I hear you asking, “Where have you been?” I heard you wondering, “What happened to Hey, Vanessa H! posts?” I imagine that you were searching for the next post, because, for a while I was consistent in providing content. Well, friends, to be honest, I didn’t quite feel up to writing.
During this pandemic, my thoughts were crowded with ways to keep my family safe, new ideas to keep my family sane; all the while keeping it essential at the workplace.
I kept saying to myself, “When this pandemic is over, I’ll start writing again.” Month after month went by and we’re still sheltering in place, maintaining social distances and wearing face masks. A few weeks ago, I had a meeting with my staff (me) and we came to the conclusion that a writer writes in spite of the surrounding conditions. If I considered myself a writer, I should be able to produce content in the good times, bad times, even in scary times. So, my friends, I’m back and want to tell you about this incredible book I had the pleasure of reading.
As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, I discovered that my cousin had recently written a book, Chronicles of a “Church” Journey. I thought to myself, “Wow! My cousin is a published author, I have to get this book!” So, instead of asking for a free copy, like we tend to do with relatives, I went to Amazon and purchased my copy and commenced to reading.
I picked up this book on a Saturday morning and could not put it down until it was finished. Friends, I was truly taken on a Church Journey. As I read the book, I laughed, cried, got angry and laughed some more. It took me on an emotional roller coaster that I didn’t expect. If you’ve been in church and have experienced “church hurt”, you know how hard it is to overcome it. This book sheds light on how the devil attacks inside the church and how she & her family dealt with those attacks.

After reading the book, I thought about this amazing person and the journey she & her family had taken and realized that I wanted to know more about how & why she chose to share the intimate details of their church journey. I contacted Carol and asked if she’d be willing to do an interview for us on the blog and being the person she is, she readily agreed. Below is the interview I conducted with Carol Lomax about her book, Chronicles of A “Church” Journey.
Vanessa: Why did you write this book?
I wrote this book for multiple reasons. The main reason is Jay and I know that others have experienced or are experiencing the same thing we did. The truth is God didn’t intend for his church to be like this. God is dealing with these issues in the church in this season to get his church back on track. By church, I mean his body. I hesitated to write this book as I didn’t want it to be taken as retaliation. However, one night when Jay was praying for me, he began prophesying to me. He told me some things God had for me. He also asked me if I had a yellow dress that used to be my favorite dress (I did when I was about 8yrs old. I even showed Jay a pic of me in that dress afterward). He said he saw me in a yellow dress writing a letter to God and God said he hadn’t forgotten the letter. He also said that God said, “write the book”. At that point, I knew I had God’s blessing and I wrote it.
Vanessa: Who is the book meant for?
Carol: This book is our testimony for all to learn from. I wanted believers to know that they don’t have to stay in a church that is restricting you or putting burdens on them, thinking they are doing God’s will by staying there. If saints are being held back, and stifled from being and doing what God has called them to do and there is no opportunity to move forward in purpose, then they need to consider another way to walk in their purpose even if it seems difficult or scary.
I also want people who are not saved and/or in church and are not walking in purpose to begin walking in their purpose. They may be experiencing problems on their job/career or just not like their job/career but are afraid or too comfortable to move or change careers.
I KNOW that God created us all w/purpose and we need to find out what it is and get to accomplishing it. It is then that we will see great success because our gift(s) will make room for us.
Vanessa: Do you think there will be any backlash from the book?
Carol: I don’t know. I only know that I did what God told me to do. I understand that God has been confirming to Jay and I his purpose for this book since before it was complete.
Vanessa: What did you learn about yourself by writing this book?
Carol: Diligence pays off. I am so proud to have finished this book. I love writing and have started a few other books in the past but have not completed them. I really felt it necessary to complete this book when God said do so; therefore, I kept myself to a timeline to finish it.
Vanessa: What does your husband, John (Jay) Lomax, think of the book?
Carol: Jay is my biggest fan. He was the first to read it and said it was hard to put it down. He felt the emotions relived while reading it. He supported me through the whole process. Although, I was reading it to him in bits and pieces as I was writing, to read the whole book for the first time was emotional.
Vanessa: What, if anything, would you’ve changed about this journey?
Carol: If it were up to me, I wouldn’t want to have dealt with any of that trouble. However, I know that God allowed the trouble to bring growth in us and bring us to an “expected end”. Trials are painful, but they are working for our good.
Vanessa: Will there be a Chronicles II?
Carol: For sure! I am about to start writing it. I wanted people to understand that this journey has not been without pain, but I definitely want them to see the blessing and promotion that God brings us into, which may really encourage people to step out and move in their purpose.
That concludes my conversation with Author, Carol Lomax about her book, Chronicles of A “Church Journey”. I hope this interview and brief review provides the incentive you need to go purchase this book. While reading the book, you will experience an emotional roller coaster and spiritual enlightenment all at the same time. It’s an honest, up-front and in your face chronicle of how Satan attacks in the church and how this family of Saints preserved despite those attacks. To find out more about this author, visit her on Facebook and Instagram at Carol Gilmore Lomax.
Friends, I’ve been absent a while from the blogosphere, but I’m back and ready to produce. In the words of Arsenio Hall, “LET’S GET BUSY!”
I love the interview and support that you provided your cousin!
Glad to see you are writing again. I think the pandemic has changed the focus of many a blog. Sometimes the only thing you can do is roll with the punches.
Congratulations to her! How fantastic!
Fantastic review and interview! I always love to hear other authors share their story of why they wrote their book!
I love this. I will be checking out this book!
I would be interested in reading this book; church wounds are very real, and I’d love to hear the author’s perspective and experience.
As a pastor’s daughter and a pastor’s wife, I am very familiar with “church hurt”. I don’t think it can ever be fully avoided because people are involved, and people make mistakes. For me, the blessings that I’ve experienced from being part of a church family have been far greater than the hurt. But, I recognize that it may not be that way for everyone. I’d be interested to read your cousin’s book. Thanks for sharing.
Love the interview! Sounds like an awesome read
Welcome back to writing! It’s clear this talent runs in your family! 🙂
This is so awesome! I love reading real life experiences!
Sounds like a great book. And well done for getting back to blogging! I have felt similarly.
I’m glad to hear you found something to get back to writing. Sounds like a wonderful book.
Chronicles of a Church Journey sounds intriguing. And I can relate to hearing God’s word when He thinks it’s the right time to do something. Having that knowledge and His blessing in your back pocket as you proceed is a powerful gift. And, welcome back! I’m sorry this pandemic had you down and unable to write. Glad your “staff” meeting led to a decision to continue writing. 😉
Sharing your cousin’s story and helping her promote her book to help others, sounds like the perfect reason to emerge and start writing again. Look forward to reading more!
Glad to have you back! Great read and looking forward to reading more about the book.
Welcome Back! This was a great post.
Great interview. Typically this is not the type of book I would read, but you have me intrigued.
Your interview is great. Thank you for sharing the book, it sounds interesting.
I really like how you have incorporated the interview in your post. You are immediately drawn in as you start to read.
Glad you’re writing again. I ignored my blog for a couple years before returning to it and so glad I did!
Welcome back to writing, once again. Sounds like a lovely book.
Welcome back! What an awesome way to show up, interviewing and supporting your cousin. Well done!