Hey Friends! Happy Veteran’s Day!
This post is in honor of all the veterans who sacrificed their lives in order for us to live free. I recently had the opportunity to visit Georgia National Cemetery in Canton, Georgia and was truly blown away by the beauty of this place. I told you all in an earlier post that I am an Air Force veteran and thought I knew all about veteran’s benefits, but I did not know about the final benefits for our veterans – internment in a National Cemetery. Did you know that veterans and their spouses and dependent children can be buried in a National Cemetery free of charge?

I learned that burial benefits include a gravesite in any of the 131 national cemeteries with available space, opening and closing of the grave, perpetual care, a Government headstone or marker, a burial flag and a Presidential Memorial Certificate. Cremated remains are buried or inurned in the same manner and honor as casketed remains.
Don’t get me wrong, if a veteran dies there will be costs associated with the funeral arrangements and those arrangements should be made with the funeral home or cremation provider.
“All gave some, but some gave all.” is ever so present when you step foot on a National Cemetery. The grounds are immaculate and the gravesites are in formation, much like when we were in a military formation. While visiting, I learned that many of the employees are veterans themselves and view their jobs as a way to continue serving. I visited on a rainy day, but workers were still working because funerals were still in progress. That’s the thing about death – It doesn’t get canceled due to rain or even have a rain delay. I don’t know about you, but I’m thankful for this benefit and employees who work here. If you are a veteran and interested in this benefit, please don’t hesitate to contact www.cem.va.gov for more information.
Vanessa I thank you for getting the word out there to our veterans.
You are welcomed, my fellow veteran.