Thoughts of an Introvert

BECOMING A BLOGGER: My Journey Begins…..


Today is the day that I’m letting you in on my blogging journey.  Believe me, it ain’t for the faint of heart.  I have learn as much, if not more in the past few months, then I ever learned earning my MBA. My, how the world has changed!

Becoming a Blogger

In real life, I’m a very quiet person, a self-proclaimed introvert with extroverted tendencies.  Someone once told me that the only time I talk, is when I have something important to say, so when I open my mouth, they should listen.  She sorta meant it as a dig because we weren’t that friendly,  but I took it as a compliment. I happen to believe in the old adage, “if you don’t have anything good to say…”. It’s so many people out here that talk just to hear their own voice and say things that don’t have value or one ounce of decency.

I wanted a medium or an avenue to balance the scales of all the negativity thrown out in the world.  I have things to say that I think are important and that I believe adds value to people’s lives.  Not that I’m super smart or super religious, but my views are optimistic and my opinions, more often than not, make good sense. 

My first steps in this industry were to learn all I could about it, so I took to the internet.  There are so many blogs out there and on darn near every subject you could think of – from fashion to fitness, travel to tennis, birthing to boxing – you name it, there’s a blog for it.

Do I have what it takes to be successful?

Everyday after my regular 9 to 5, I read blog after blog on subject after subject.  I eventually came upon an amazing blogger who wrote about blogging. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that you could actually make money writing blog posts. Who would have thunk it!    I decided to subscribe to her site.  That meant that I gave her my email and in return, would get notified when she published her next blog post.

One of the things I learned from my research was that you had to have a niche area.  A niche, what?  Yeah, just what I was thinking.   A niche is simply one area you choose to write about.  Many people choose to write about fashion because they love clothes and shopping for them.  Some people write about dogs because they have been raising them for years.  Some niches are even more specific to the breed of dog.  I recently read a blog post written specifically on Pit bulls and wow, they had some beautiful pictures of Pit bull puppies (say that times without messing up).

And the journey begins…..

I didn’t have a niche at first because I’m more of an eclectic person and couldn’t pin down one area of interest.  I like clothes and makeup, but I couldn’t write for a long period of time about them.  I love my dog and taking care of her is like taking care of one of my children, but I didn’t want her to be the focus either.  I decided to write about the people I’ve encountered in my life, what I’ve learned on this journey so far and how I relate to the world. I also want to write about the places I visit and give my readers uplifting stories about the beauty of God’s love.  This turned out to be a lifestyle blog.  So if I have to call it a niche, I’d call it lifestyle niche because those are the things I choose to write on. Since I’m a baby blogger, I don’t know yet what I don’t know, so my niche may change to something more specific, but this works for me for the time being.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me.  On it, we’ll go through the blogging process together and what I know, you’ll know too.  What I discover, you’ll discover as well.  At this point I’ve already learned a great deal and on the next post will let you know which blogger influenced me the most and how I went from researching to posting.

Let’s go from caterpillar to butterfly together!

Today, I want y’all to take away 3 things: 1) Blogging is not easy, 2) It’s time consuming and 3) you have to discover your niche.

The blogger who I mentioned earlier  is Heather Reese and she writes for It’s A Lovely Life.   She has a fast and easy class to help you get your blog started.  It’s called the 5 Day Start A Money Making Blog Crash Course.  If you already have your blog set up, but looking to monetize it, she has a super helpful monthly course called Blogging Blast-Off .   If you’re ready to get serious about  earning money with your blog, starting here would be a good choice.  I felt kinda proud of myself when I took the plunge!

If you’re considering writing a blog, don’t put it off any longer.  Just click the links above and make that first step! (This is referred to as a ‘call to action’).


  1. Jasmine says:

    Great post I can definitely relate on being a introvert with extrovert tendencies.

  2. Great post. Its hard to niche down. I have struggled with this!
    I needed to read this today! Thank you

  3. Love this! So true, blogging is not easy and finding your niche is crucial. Thank you so much for sharing! xoxo, Stacy

  4. Nice job! Figuring out your niche can be difficult for sure!

    1. Vanessa says:

      Thanks for reading!

  5. Loved this post! Niching down is HARD but honestly something I wished I did in the beginning because once you do so, it really simplifies everything!! x Shannon •

  6. Hi Vanesa,
    One of the things I was taught before I actually started blogging was that relationships were the key. The only problem is I was promoting someone else’s products and actually building a relationship for them.

    This made me think that I needed to start promoting myself and start building relationships with other people and myself.

    It was different when we started and has become much more involved over the years but the ideas are still the same and we still need to do it our way.

    I love your rules for blogging. Those are all right on. If people follow those alone they will be successful.


  7. Blogging is certainly time consuming but I love it so much especially my blogging niche!

  8. I’ve been blogging for years and I find that every new blog has it’s own timeline and process.

    1. Vanessa says:

      I totally agree. I’m determined to run with it to see where it goes.

  9. Welcome to the blogging world!

    1. Vanessa says:

      Yes,this world is HUGE!

  10. You do have what it takes to be successful. Just be yourself and never undersell yourself. AND…be true to your readers. You’ve got this!!

    1. Vanessa says:

      Thanks! I’m learning so much from everyone.

  11. Christa says:

    I actually took the Blogging Blastoff class and learned so much! I’m looking forward to following your journey.

    1. Vanessa says:

      Thanks! I’m enjoying the journey so far.

  12. Nicole Escat. says:

    Haha I could relate to that, at first I didn’t really know what would be my niche is, cuz I loved so many things but not too much of each.

  13. Welcome to the marvelous world of blogging! You are off to a great start. I’ve been blogging six years and just started working toward monetizing this year. I love the Reeses! I took their 30 day course. It was so helpful!

    1. Vanessa says:

      I totally agree that their course is very helpful. I’m determined to hang on even if by threads.

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