Hey Y’all! In the spirit of transparency, I’d like to share a moment of brutal honesty.
I’m not happy with how my body looks. I’m 51 years old and for most of my life, I’ve been pretty fit. Not slim, mind you, because I’ve never equated my fitness level to the number on the scale. But lately, it seems as if I’m concerned over how much weight I’ve gained and my inability to lose it as quickly as I’ve done in the past.

Being a mother of two girls, I’ve always preached, “It’s not what you look like, it’s what’s inside that counts!” I’m so glad they bought it hook, line and sinker because (I believe) both girls are confident and comfortable in their own skin. I’m generally comfortable in my own skin too; however, now my comfort level is at an all time low!
When I joined the Air Force a million years ago, I was referred to the “weight clinic” because my BMI was too high. That was my first introduction to Body Mass Index. Whoever invented this chart must’ve been on some special weed because the only people I knew who were within an acceptable range were incredibly emaciated (in my opinion).
At the weight clinic, the doctor took this special apparatus that pinched my fatty parts to measure the fat on my body. He said that although I weighed far more than what was listed for an acceptable BMI, I only had 20% body fat. At the time, my 18-year-old brain could not compute how I could be labeled “obese” by the BMI and yet have only 20% body fat. At the end of the day, the doctors sent me back to duty with a waiver that stated I was not obese, just muscular. From that point on, I knew never to trust Mr. BMI – He lies!

Fast-forward 33 years and two babies, I’m know I’m waaaaaay over the 20% body fat and although the Mr. BMI lies when he calls me obese, Mr. Scale does not. Friends, I’m here to out my own self and say that I am obese because I am 5’0 and weigh 155 pounds (can’t blame the muscles this time) .

Like the Songtress, Tamia sings, “How did you get here?” “I wasn’t supposed to be here!” Throughout my life, I’ve been comfortable with how I looked. I was proud that I could carry a baby on one side and a diaper bag + groceries on the other side. I was Mom-Strong and darn proud of it! I kept up with kids half my age, did obstacle courses well into my 30s, and as a Recreational Therapist, participated in a variety of physical fitness activities. So for real – How did I get here?
Ohhh! Did I mention that I like (ahem, love) sweets? Yes, desserts of almost any kind and not just after dinner, sometimes even for dinner. A good pound cake or a slice (or 2) of apple pie ain’t never hurt nobody, right? Then, I suppose I ought to mention my candy addiction. Wow! I’m being uber transparent here! Peanut M&Ms, Now or Laters, Sugar Babies and Hi-Chews are my candies of choice. I’ve rationalized this addiction a million ways to Sunday, from “these small calories don’t amount to much” to “I work hard, why shouldn’t I enjoy these sweet delights?” The truth of the matter is that I lack will power in this area.
This is hard for me to admit on so many levels because I think I’m a Bad-Ass. I pretty much rock everything I do. I’m not bragging on me – I’m bragging on God. Most of the time I’m winging it and He’s blessing it and things generally work out. Except for this weight issue.
Please don’t get me wrong! If you are a healthy, curvy girl and love the way you look and feel – I celebrate you! For me, being this size is not healthy and I’m not happy with how I look. Yes, God made us all beautiful, but He also gave us the ability to make good or bad choices for ourselves. I’m running out of time to keep making the wrong choices when it comes to what I put in my mouth.
I know you’re thinking, “Well why don’t you go on a diet?” I’ve considered that and for the past 3 years have tried many of the more popular ones. At the end of the day, I did lose some pounds, but they came back and brought friends with them, like Captain Cellulite and Daisy Double-Chin.

Needless to say, I think diets are good for a short-term solution, but I’m seeking something maintainable and long-term. Yes, there’s Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and others meal plans offering maintenance plans, but I’ve been there and done that with little success. I know I’m not alone in this dilemma because my co-workers and I lament about our weight loss efforts almost daily and no one’s come up with the “TA-DA” for our common challenge.

At my last doctor’s appointment, the dosage on my blood pressure medication was increased and a cholesterol prescription was added. Hypertension is hereditary (thanks Mom & Dad), so I wasn’t surprised when I was diagnosed with it 15 years ago; however, I’m told that I have the ability to keep it under control with healthy eating and exercise. Ooh! I said the “E” word: Exercise. Ok-Ok! I know I need more of this, but knowing and doing are two different things. So what’s a girl like me to do? I’m a reasonably intelligent woman, with a healthy amount of common sense; what’s preventing me from reaching my health and fitness goals? Perhaps! Maybe! Could it be: MOTIVATION? With the saddest face ever – YES! I’ll admit it! I haven’t been motivated to do the work to lose the weight and achieve optimal health. But I am now! Why now, you ask?
BECAUSE I’M GOING TO BE A GRANDMOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over the Christmas holidays, my daughter announced that she & her husband are pregnant with my first grandchild and I couldn’t be more excited for them. Heck! I’m excited for myself! With this bit of information, I begin to think about all the things I wanted to do with my grandchild and to do them, I needed to be healthy and able-bodied. I can’t play hide & seek if I can’t get out of my easy chair; I can’t take him on vacation, if I have to do dialysis everyday; and I can’t run after him in the park, if I can’t catch my breath after a few steps. No sir! I want to be the grandmother who’s able to do these things and more.
I’ve decided to let that be my motivation as I map out my quest for optimal health, wellness and weight loss. I’ve already identified my challenges & weaknesses and over the next few weeks, I will develop goals and objectives that address these issues. Friends, I know this will not be easy because I’m stubborn and like what I like, but this time is different. This time – I’M MOTIVATED!
Will you join me on this quest for health & wellness? Will you be my accountability partner? Once a month, I will let you know about my successes and failures and I’d be ever so thankful for your advice, tips and prayers as I navigate my way to wellness.
Won’t you join me?
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That so nice to share something so personal, i am glad you are motivated to get healthier. Enjoy the journey and keep been positive.
Wow…this is exciting news! Congratulations! Being a grandmother at such a young age allows you to make the most of the experience! Wonderful news!
Ahhh, congratulations Grandma! I totally agree that sometimes we need a great reason to get 100% motivated, and wanting to be healthy, active and fun for a new grandbaby is a wonderful spark.
These are some amazing goals! Keep it up!
Your journey is impressive, keep going!
So glad you found that motivation! That is the hardest part after all! I keep active just by running around with the kids- doing mommy daughter gymnastics and swimming and just hanging at the playground.
My mom really improved her overall health when she knew she was going to be a grandmother too–congrats! I’m so happy for your family.
I love everything about this! So excited to watch you on this journey!
Great read, Vanessa! Like you, I found motivation outside of myself to clean up my eating habits and begin exercising regularly. For me, it was pregnancy. My husband is in the military (and naturally fit) and I can’t let this little man and him out do me on the courts or the fields.
Congratulations, so exciting! Sometimes we just need a push like this to get us started in the right direction. You seem to be in the right mindset, so I know you can do it!
Inspiring and motivating! thank you for such an in-depth write up on Losing Weight for Optimal Health & Wellness. We have some great notes here.
That is so exciting! Congratulations to both you and your daughter!
Girllll you look amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.
Thank you for reading!
Congrats on becoming a Grandmama! I have started a fitness journey recently and I have found a new motivation to get healthy. Enjoyed reading your post – thanks for sharing!
Ashlee | ashleemoyo.com
It took me several years of being unhappy to finally decide I needed to make a change. 3 months ago I started cutting carbs and watching my portions. Giving up my sweet tea was very hard! I’ve lost 30lbs so far, which is amazing for me
Congrats to your daughter! That’s exciting news! And good luck with your goals. You can do it!
This is so inspiring and motivating! Thank you for sharing with us on your fitness journey and congratulations to your journey to be a grandmother soon . Good news 😍
Thank you! It is indeed Good news!
This post is so inspiring! Congrats becoming grandmother! It must be so exciting for your family 🙂
Yes it is! Thanks for reading!
Congratulations to your daughter! I’ve been trying to get on the healthy track, too. Let’s do this together! We can do this!! 🙂
Yes girl, let’s do this together!
I am being referred to the medical weight loss clinic as we speak. I am 5’4″ and weight 264 lbs. My joints hurt, my back hurts, and I’m just tired of feeling like this. So it is time to change – love your motivation for things to change for you. I feel like positive motivation is much better than negative motivation. Thanks for the article – truly helped me feel I’m not alone
No Hun, you are not alone. For some time now, I’ve felt the need for a healthier lifestyle, but didn’t want to do the work. Let’s do the work together. I’ll keep you posted and you hold me accountable.
Ahh!! Congrats grandma!! How exciting! And yes. Mr BMI is a big ‘ol liar. Good luck on your journey to health!
Thanks for sharing your lovely journey. That’s so motivational which I needed badly to start working out.