Family Ties

Is a Budget Relocation in Your Future? Try it My Way!

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Hi Friends,

Remember when I told y’all I liked moving? I do, but it’s alot of work.  In the earlier years, the relocations were conducted by the military and I didn’t have to worry much about the logistics. Once I was discharged and wanted to move, I had to do it myself.  As a single woman, this wasn’t always so easy.  What made it a lot easier though were two things: and ABF Freight.

“Let’s blow this pop stand!”

Now if you’re not familiar with City-data, let me tell you  about it.  This website is full of information about almost every city in the nation, but what I use most often is the forum section.  In the forum, you can post questions about practically anything. What’s really helpful is reading through the entire forum for the city you’re interested in.  When you read through the forum, you gain valuable information and can have a better feel for the area.  This wouldn’t be the only source to get info about your future city, but it can shed light on neighborhoods to stay away from,traffic patterns or upcoming community development. If after you read the forum and have a specific question, you can ask the forum and people will answer you. has a moving section that I find really helpful.  You’d be surprised that the quirky, innocuous questions that is in the back of your mind, was on someone else’s mind.  Who knew?

I found ABF Freight on City-data and if I move again, this company is my “go-to” for logistics.  If you want to move, don’t want to drive (or can’t drive) a moving truck, and you’re on a budget, this is a great option.  These are my 10 simple steps:  1) Call them to discuss your moving location and  how


much stuff you have, 2) A trailer is dropped off at your current location, 3)you load the trailer, 4) they pick up the trailer, 5) you drive (or fly) to your new location, 6) you secure housing or a storage facility for your stuff,7) you call them for a delivery date, 8) they drop off the trailer, 9) you unload the trailer and 10) they come pick it up.  Now, these steps have been simplified, but this process isn’t at all difficult. For real ya’ll, if it wasn’t easy or practical, I wouldn’t waste my time. I got to be honest though – easy for me, may not be easy for you. There is some work involved, it depends on your physical condition, how much you’re willing to do physically, and your budget.  On one occasion, I packed/unpacked the trailer with friends and another occasion, I hired movers to do it. The good thing is,you decide what you can afford and go from there. A budget relocation is possible.

I’ve moved quite a few times in my life and its always a big effing decision. and ABF Freight helps to alleviate some of the angst associated with it. Soooo, if you’re looking for a change of scenery and think a relocation should be a goal for 2019, information about your new location is just a click away and with another click, your stuff can be there too.

Are these yours?



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  1. We’ve thought about relocating for years.I think we are going to hold off until our girls are in college.

  2. Drats, I wish I’d had this information before I moved. I’ll keep this in mind because I’m sure I’ll move again at some point.

  3. We don’t have a move planned, but I will keep your recommendation in mind. I have heard so many nightmare stories about moving companies. It is great to have a good reference to go by.

  4. This is so helpful to know since my husband and I are contemplating a relocation.

    1. Vanessa says:

      Thanks for reading!

  5. This is great! We almost ended up moving to another state for my hubby’s job, and we would have had to figure out a budget-friendly way to do it!

    1. Vanessa says:

      This is really a budget friendly way to go.

  6. I HATE moving but I’ve always been tempted to pick up and live somewhere exciting for a year or two!

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